Creative Longing

an unquenchable thirst

I would describe my creative passion as an urgency of sorts, a longing to convey specific values or social observations rooted in experiences as seen through my own unique lenses. Through this millstream of energy, I experiment with a variety of dimensions, mediums, and genres, where color, texture, and emotion feature key in my artwork. I am fascinated with the ironies associated with metaphor, social constructs, and the human condition. A feminist sensibility is pervasive in my work, inspired by the powerful and courageous women in my life.

Although three-dimensional figurative study was my early foundation, I enjoy painting in a variety of mediums, often intersecting mixed media and assemblages to create abstracted layering and depth sensibilities.

It was during a move transition out to the west coast, and separated from my studio supplies, that I began experimenting with digital collage as an efficient means to develop prospective digital references for future painting compositions. Every detail is curated to create a specific narrative, and while digital in nature, NO artificial intelligence is utilized in this work.

Unexpected, this process has taken on a life of its own and since accumulated into a viable stand-alone body of work. While each piece tells a story in of itself, this collection of digital work becomes more compelling in “curated grouping installations” where each individual story lends itself to a broader collective narrative.

Welcome to my world friends, I hope you enjoy the journey…

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